

This category contains 6 posts

How to Center an Image Using HTML Programming

Learn HTML to use the basics of good web design.

HTML, Hypertext Markup Language, is a computer language used to create web pages. Web sites and web pages are written in HTML code. Whether setting up a personal or business web page, learning HTML code is beneficial for basic web page building skills. Knowing how to use the codes can help you manipulate your page settings for good web design. HTML documents contain plain text and have the .html or .htm extension. Center your image on the page for more appeal.


  • Start your word processor or text editor that you will use to create your web page.

  • Choose the GIF image that you wish to center on your page and save it in a location on your computer. If needed, you may reduce the size of the image so that it will take up less space on your computer. In order to reduce the size of the image, you need an image editing program.

  • Type <CENTER><IMG SRC=”?”></CENTER> Replace the question mark with the location of the image on your computer. If it is stored in the same folder as your web page, you can specify just the name of the image. Your text should look like the example below.


    <HEAD><TITLE>This is your title.</TITLE>



    <H1><CENTER>This is your text.</CENTER>

    <CENTER><IMG SRC=”photo.jpg”></CENTER>

  • Open a new web browser to verify that your web page displays the text as centered on your page.

How to Make a URL or Web Address in HTML in Notepad

Writing a URL or Web address in HTML is a relatively simple process. Notepad, a program available in Microsoft Windows, is a good basic platform for manual HTML coding and simple editing. However, it’s not necessary to use Notepad; follow the coding directions in any text editing program.


Things You’ll Need
Computer running Microsoft Windows 95 or later versions

Click “Start” on the Taskbar. Click “All Programs,” “Accessories” (or just click “Accessories,” depending on the format of your Start menu), and then “Notepad.” A blank Notepad document opens.

Before you create the code, learn a little background information about HTML. HTML code is made up of “tags,” which usually, but not always, appear in pairs (called opening and closing tags) and enclosed in brackets that look like > or <. The bracket that points to the left appears at the beginning of the tag and the bracket that points to the right appears at the end. The tags for indicating a URL, <a> and </a>, are called anchor tags. Text that will be displayed on a Web page can be placed between sets of tags that define attributes like font, size, color, and whether the text is a link.

Type <a href=” and then type your URL or Web address. Close this open tag with another quotation mark and a right-pointing bracket. Your example should look like this:
<a href=””&gt;

Without adding a space after the tag, type a title for the link. This title will appear on any website containing this code. You can also reenter the URL if you want the URL to be displayed rather than a descriptive title.

Type </a> and check that your code matches this: <a href=””>Your Title</a>. (But don’t put a period at the end.)

Save your document for further reference or copy and paste your code as needed. Congratulations! You have successfully created the HTML code for a Web address.

Tips & Warnings

Don’t forget to include the http:// part of the Web address, because there are other types of prefixes, called protocols, that serve different purposes. For example, some websites with more security for your personal information start with “https://&#8221; and some file transfer sites start with “ftp://&#8221;. If your Web address has either of these, just replace http:// with the correct protocol.

If you’re trying to build a Web page with a link list, consult an HTML tutorial to find out what tags and information you must include for your code to work properly in Web browsers.

How to Write HTML Code in Notepad

Notepad is a simple text editor that comes free with Windows and lets you code simple documents to be used on a website. To code in Notepad, you need to know basic HTML tags. When uploaded to the Internet, the text will be ready for placement on a website page. Here’s how to prepare HTML text in Notepad.


Open Notepad. You can find it by clicking the Start button at the bottom of the left-hand corner of your screen. From the box that pops up, click Programs. Another box will pop up. Select “Accessories,” then click on Notepad.

Begin writing the text that you would like to appear on your website page. You will need to add the basic codes for HTML, in which the “tag” needs to be opened and closed.


to begin a paragraph. Next enter in the sentences you want in the paragraph. Close this HTML tag with a
to end the paragraph. Continue this pattern for the remainder of the text.


Add bold and italic text where you would like it. Use the or tags for bold text. Use or tags for italics.

Save your file. Do not press CTRL+S because you’ll end up with a text (txt) file, which is the type of file Notepad automatically creates. Instead, click on the File button and scroll down the dropdown menu and click on “Save As.”

Select All Files when the Save As drop-down menu appears. Change the txt extension to html or htm. Now your text is ready for placement on the Web.

How to Embed SWF Files in HTML

Small Web Format (SWF) files are frequently used to make interactive websites or videos. SWF files can be built using a variety of open and closed-source programs such as Adobe Flash, SWiSH Max4 and MXMLC. To make SWF files easily accessible to your website’s visitors, you can embed the file within a HTML file. This will allow you to display SWF files on your website without changing the overall look and feel of your site.

Things You’ll Need
HTML editor

Open the HTML file that you want to add your Flash file to in your favorite HTML editor.

Locate the “” tag within the body of the HTML file.

Insert the following text below the “” tag:


Adjust the movie’s width and height if needed, and change the file name and directory to match your SWF file’s name and location.

Save the changes you just made to your HTML file. Close the HTML file.

How to Embed a SWF Path

Flash content is served from “.swf” files that must be embedded into the HTML code sent to a browser. The embed code requires the path to the SWF file on the server. Without this information, the browser cannot locate the file it needs to play and will fail to load it. You’ll be able to embed the file using its path. You must place this path in both the “data” attribute of your “object” tag and the “value” attribute of your “param” tag.


Open the HTML file you would like to add the embed code to using Notepad or another text or HTML editor.

Paste the following content between the “” and “” tags of the document:

<param name="movie" value="”>

<embed src="” quality=”high”

pluginspage=”; type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” width=”700″



Replace in the above code with the path to your flash file, such as “mymovie.swf” or “/resources/mymovie.swf.”

Save the document and open it in your browser. The Flash file will now load.

Google Custom Search Box

If you are the owner of a site your first step is to provide google custom search for your costumer . Here i provide Google custom search book for free copy this HTML code and past it to your website HTML box .

With Google Custom Search, you can harness the power of Google to create a customized search experience for your own website.

Custom Search for your website or blog

 <form action=”; id=”cse-search-box”>
<input type=”hidden” name=”cx” value=”partner-pub-8928930354038921:5882445519″ />
<input type=”hidden” name=”cof” value=”FORID:10″ />
<input type=”hidden” name=”ie” value=”UTF-8″ />
<input type=”text” name=”q” size=”55″ />
<input type=”submit” name=”sa” value=”Search” />
<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script&gt;
<script type=”text/javascript”>google.load(“elements”, “1”, {packages: “transliteration”});</script>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script><script type=”text/javascript” src=”;lang=en”></script&gt;

Select a location where you like to show your search result and past the HTML code that place ,

 <div id=”cse-search-results”></div>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var googleSearchIframeName = “cse-search-results”;
var googleSearchFormName = “cse-search-box”;
var googleSearchFrameWidth = 795;
var googleSearchDomain = “”;
var googleSearchPath = “/cse”;
<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script&gt;

If you need to show current quarries of google use this HTML code

Scroll Box

Place Don’t use for corporate purpose .

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