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Beauty & Style

What to Pack in Your Travel Beauty Kit

You don’t have to lug along your whole beauty cabinet while travelling. Just a few essentials will do the trick. Here’s what you should put in your vanity bag whether for a wedding, a party, or a picnic.



If you are attending a wedding, make sure that whatever products you carry have been tried and tested. Experimenting with new products could leave you with an allergy; not something you want before a wedding.

  1. Pack your most exquisite perfume. Since weddings are grand and daylong occasions, you want to smell good throughout.
  2. Waterproof eye make-up is essential, in case you get teary-eyed!
  3. Carry a curling iron or hair straightener to get different hairstyles for the various functions.
  4. Your make-up bag should contain a good cold cream or moisturiser that will keep your skin hydrated at night.


Since most parties are scheduled for the night, make sure you are carrying glamorous glitter make-up.

  1. Hair extensions or hair mascara to add colour to your hair.
  2. For natural hair, you can also carry a hair mousse, as it’s great for lending extra volume and shine.
  3. If you are planning to wear bare some skin, keep a hair removal cream or women’s razor handy.
  4. Body butter (preferably with glittering mica flecks) that will give your skin a sheen.
  5. Cleansing milk is a must to remove all the party make-up gently.



While packing for a picnic, choose stuff that is useful and easy to carry around.

  1. Since you will be outdoors most of the time, carry a sunscreen lotion with an SPF of 30 or more.
  2. Wet wipes are a great go-to item for a quick yet thorough cleanse and they help in keeping your face fresh.
  3. Nothing zaps germs in a hurry like a fragrant hand sanitiser. A great alternative to soap water.
  4. Instead of a deodorant, invest in a fruit-flavoured body splash. Light, refreshing and pleasing to the skin, this mist can be sprayed all over.

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